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Important Information Regarding the Minor League Offseason

Over the last few weeks, the MLBPA has received questions from Players and agents concerning the first upcoming Minor League offseason under the new collective bargaining Agreement. The purpose of this memo is to answer that initial set of frequently asked questions. Any Players with follow-up questions are encouraged to contact their Club’s Minor League Special Assistant or Karenna Martin ( or Hiram Arnaud ( with the MLBPA’s Legal Department.

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  • What is the union authorization card?
    The union authorization card is the form you and your fellow minor league players can sign to indicate support to have the MLBPA represent you and serve as your collective bargaining agent.
  • What is the point of signing the union authorization card?
    Signing an authorization card is your first step towards being represented by the MLBPA. The MLBPA will use the authorization cards – on a confidential basis – to demonstrate to the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), a government agency, that there is sufficient support among you and your fellow minor league players to hold a union representation election. The MLBPA may also use the cards, on a confidential basis, to demonstrate that a majority of minor league players support the MLBPA for purposes of collective bargaining.
  • Will my Club or MLB know that I signed an authorization card?
    NO – The fact that you signed a card and the card itself are confidential – by law, neither your Club nor MLB will have access to that information. All cards signed will be maintained securely by the MLBPA.
  • Which minor league players are being asked to sign cards?
    All players at every level of the domestic minor leagues (complex, A, AA, AAA). The MLBPA is seeking the legal status to represent all players on the minor league domestic reserve list and will also later seek to bargain on behalf of minor league players in the DSL.
  • I am a 40-man roster Player currently in the minors, should I sign a card?
    Yes – All 40-man roster Players currently in the minors should sign an authorization card. As part of the unionization effort we are seeking the ability to bargain for additional rights for 40-man players during the time they spend in the minors - rights beyond what they are entitled to receive under the current MLB/MLBPA CBA.
  • What is the next step in the process after the cards have been signed?
    The MLBPA will present the cards confidentially to the NLRB to show both that a significant number of minor league players support having the MLBPA represent them and that a union election should be held. As an alternative to an election, the MLBPA can seek voluntary recognition of the union by MLB, which would involve showing the cards – on a confidential basis - to a neutral party to verify that a majority of players support MLBPA representation.
  • When would an election be held if there is no voluntary recognition by MLB?
    The timing of an election will be determined through the NLRB’s administrative processes, which could take several months to complete.
  • I have more questions, how can I get more information?
    You can speak directly with MLBPA representatives during our all-day zoom session today or you can email your question in English or Spanish to and an MLBPA representative will respond to your question in complete confidence.
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